Aug 7, 2008

Lets take a vote!

Ok everyone, lets vote on the color of the next 3 pics. Which color do you like best of this curly haired doll? Blog stalkers too, I know your out there, I would love to hear from you!





Angie said...

Hey Tam, what a cute picture. I always love black and white but, I really like the color in #2 picture. You do such a great job and I am amazed at the work it takes to change each picture.

Jen said...

#1 is fav, I always love black and white. #2 is more vibrant than #3! Cute pictures

Lisa said...

It's a blog stalker!!
I really love the 1st!! I keep checking and checking...still no pictures of my kids!!! I need you to take some of my kids.
You do great work!!
I have 3 models if you need them!! :)

Julie P said...
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The Vickers said...

Could Hadley be any cuter?! My fav is the 2nd one. It's just too cute. I'm loving all of your amazing pics.