Jan 27, 2009

Tamdee Photography Pricing

Here is the info on pricing. Sorry I have been slow getting it posted! I only take a limited number of sessions each month, so if you are thinking you would like to schedule a spring session shoot me an e-mail. Thanks for all of your interest and support!

Photo Session

1-2 people $25.00
3-5 people $50.00
Each additional person $15.00

This includes 1 - 1.5 hour session at a location agreed upon by the client and photographer.
All photos are taken in natural light and time of day will be based on photographer recommendations.

The CD of proofed images


The cd will have 15 or more images chosen by the photographer released to you. Professional prints and custom items are also available, please contact me for pricing.

Jan 25, 2009

One Year Old!

I just want to squeeze this little guy. His first birthday is coming up and he needed to show off his cuteness.

Jan 4, 2009

Freeze Out

Getting these 10 beautiful faces all looking in the same direction was not an easy task. Then add some freezing cold temps and a whole lot of wind. Put all of these things together and what do you get, actually some pretty stinken cute kids in this pic. Thanks for being such troopers!